Monday, November 30, 2015

New Order Book: I need this!

Today is Cyber Monday and normally, I would be up at the crack of dawn looking at Lightning Deals. However, today I am basking at the organized chaos that I was able to corral last night thanks to an ARC that Penguin Random House sent me over the weekend.

I seem to be the person who is perpetually tidying up. With kids to raise and a household to run, it's pretty much the bulk of my mommy duties. Wolf has written a book that is like a helpful nudge spiced up with some "go girl (or guy) remarks" that creates a more relaxed attack of clutter. 
I have banished from my mind that other people don't have the same heartache that I do. I have let go à la Elsa all crazy notion that my house should look HGTV-magazine-ready at all times. I am also resigned to the fact that I.Will.Always.Clean. Not too much of a downer isn't it?

I was still able to glean precious nuggets of decluttering wisdom from this book despite the numerous organizing books in the market already. Wolf makes it fun and easygoing - she reminds us that stuff is just stuff without glossing over it too much (it's okay, we have stuff but don't sing kumbaya or anything!). I particularly loved her suggestion that containers should not have any lids. And the labeling format where all the tabs are off to one side (good!) versus a stair format (bad!). Eureka! Easy reading and still a good addition to the decluttering drama of people's lives. 

I love books like this as a reminder that clutter exists because of stuff. And that the Creative Fairy doesn't like to touch down and scatter fairy dust in an already dirt dusty home with nary an empty desk/open space in sight. 

My ARC didn't come in this rainbow cover of loveliness, so I will have to purchase my own copy. find a way to store my copy....

*Penguin Random House did not compensate me to write this review; it is provided directly out of the goodness of my librarian heart. The book comes out in January!

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